
Assembly of Isuzu Engine Cylinder Seat

 This article is about how to assemble isuzu engine cylinder seat


 ISUZU US-IDSS Diagnostic Service Truck Diagnostic System [06.2021]
1.Cylinder block
  Remove the engine assembly from the vehicle.
  Refer to"Engine Assembly"in this Section.
2. Remove the cylinder head cover.
 Refer to"Cylinder Head Cover"in this Section.
3. Remove the camshaft assembly.
 Refer to "Camshaft Assembly"in this Section.
4. Remove the cylinder head.
 Refer to"Cylinder Head"in this Section.
5. Remove the common rail.
Refer to "Common Rail"in Section 1D, Engine Fuel.
6. Remove the supply pump.
Refer to "Supply Pump"in Section 1D, Engine Fuel.
7. Remove the oil filter and oil cooler.
Refer to "Oil Fiter and Oil Cooler"in Section 1H, Engine Lubrication.
8. Remove the crankshaft front oil seal.
Refer to "Crankshaft Front Oil Seal"in this Section.
9. Remove the flywheel housing.
10. Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal.
Refer to "Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal"in this Section.
11. Remove the oil pan.
Refer to "Crankcase and Oil Pan"in Section 1H, Engine Lubrication.
12. Remove the water pump.
Refer to "Water Pump"in Section 1C, Engine Cooling.
13. Remove the front cover.
Refer to "Timing Gear Train"in this Section.
14. Remove the timing gear train.
Refer to "Timing Gear Train"in this Section.
15. Remove the oil pump.
Refer to "Oil Pump"in Section 1H, Engine Lubrication.
16. Remove the piston and connecting rod.
Refer to "Piston and Connecting Rod"in this Section.
17. Disconnect the crankshaft position(CKP) sensor connector.
18. Remove the CKP sensor.

19.Remove the crankshaft.
Refer to "Crankshaft"in this Section.
20.Remove the oil jet pipe.

1. Gently remove foreign materials such as water deposit adhering to the top surface of the cylinder block.
· Be careful not to damage the cylinder block.
2. Gently remove the liquid gasket on the crankcase installation surface.
3. Clean the cylinder block.
4. Visually inspect the cylinder block.
· Perform the collar check and water pressure(or air pressure) test, and replace the cylinder block if it is cracked or damaged.

· Use the cylinder bore gauge to measure the inner diameter of the cylinder block in the thrust direction and the radial direction at the specified position.
(1)20mm(0.79 in)(2)80mm(3.15 in)
(3)140mm(5.51 in)
· Find the cylinder block inner diameter according to the average value(excluding the maximum and minimum values) of the 6
locations actually measured.
· Replace the cylinder block if the measured value exceeds the limit for use.

 Isuzu G-IDSS Diagnostic Service System

1.20mm(0.79 in)2.80mm(3.15 in)
3.140 mm(5.51 in)
4. Radial direction5. Thrust direction

6. Measure the flatness.
· Use a simple straight ruler(1) and thickness gauge(2) to measure the 4 sides of the cylinder block top surface and 2 locations in a diagonal line.
· Replace the cylinder block if the measured value exceeds the limit.

1. Install the oil jet pipe.
· Align the oil jet pipe knock pin with the cylinder block pin hole and tighten with an M8 bolt,M6
bolt, and check valve.
Tightening torque M8 bolt:25N-m(2.5kg-m/18 lb-ft)
M6 bolt:8N.m(0.8kg-m/69 lb-in)
Check valve:30 N·m(3.1kg-m/22 lb-ft)
Be careful not to deform or damage the oil jet nozzle.
2. Install the crankshaft.
Refer to"Crankshaft"in this Section.
3. Install the piston and connecting rod.
Refer to"Piston and Connecting Rod"in this Section.
4. Install the oil pump.
Refer to "Oil Pump"in Section 1H, Engine Lubrication.
5. Install the timing gear train.
Refer to "Timing Gear Train"in this Section.
6. Install the front cover.
Refer to "Timing Gear Train"in this Section.
7. Install the water pump.
Refer to "Water Pump"in Section 1H, Engine Lubrication.
8. Install the oil pan.
Refer to "Crankcase and Oil Pan"in Section 1H, Engine Lubrication.
9. Install the crankshaft rear oil seal.
Refer to "Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal"in this Section.
10. Install the flywheel housing.
Refer to "Oil Pan and Crankcase"in Section 1H, Engine Lubrication.
11. Install the crankshaft front oil seal.
Refer to "Crankshaft Front Oil Seal"in this Section.
12. Install the oil filter and oil cooler.
Refer to "Oil Fiter and Oil Cooler"in Section 1H, Engine Lubrication.
13. Install the CKP sensor.
Tightening torque:5 N.m(0.5kgm/43 lbin)
5.Measurement of cylinder block wear
14. Connect the CKP sensor connector.
15. Install the supply pump.
Refer to "Supply Pump"in Section 1D, Engine Fuel.
16. Install the common rail.
Refer to "Common Rail"in Section 1D, Engine Fuel.

17.Install the cylinder head.
Refer to "Cylinder Head"in this Section.
18.Install the camshaft assembly.
Refer to "Camshaft Assembly"in this Section.
19.Install the cylinder head cover.
Refer to "Cylinder Head Cover"in this Section.20.Install the engine assembly to the vehicle.

Isuzu E-IDSS Diagnostic Service System [03.2021]

Refer to "Engine Assembly"in this Section.



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